We'll count to

Friday, November 28, 2008

Cruise Pictures.

Day two on the cruise.
We were reaching Phuket:D

The ship stopped like, a km away from Phuket's beach, and a ferry stopped right beside the ship for the passengers to board, then send us of the the CHEAP MARKETS OF PHUKET! woohoo.

Phuket beach; I think their seawater is cleaner than ours D;

Shops in Phuket.

Pedicure!:) hahah, first time.

The streets of Phuket. While we were walking I didn't really notice anything weird, till my mum told me that Phuket was kinda famous for its prostitution. If you're a single man in a bar, the hoochiemamas would come over and start chatting you up and stuff.
It's easy to spot the prostitutes, like a young lady with brown skin and a tank top and shorts walking with an old white guy.
There were plenty of them! I always thought white people-especialy old guys- were holy. GUESS NOT! horny sickos -_-


Alyssa's panda!