We'll count to

Friday, April 24, 2009

Feel-good day.

Before anything, I'd like to say;
Happy b'day aaron c and adam(25/4)!
And junwei!(yeah, right.)

Uggggg. I just read my sister's blog and ugggg. I really must teach her how to blog.


Hey, today was fun! Even though.. yeah. Anyway, today was that great that I can't wait for next week! I have a Fabregas on my shoe now, ahha.

Tried putting some of my MSN history into my iPod. Yes, I know, "eee lifeless". I was like, yes! when it went successfully but when I checked, it was with codes and stuff. Didn't look like my convos..
I'm no techie so I just gave up. Who could understand all those codes?


I heard Kev got hit with a shoe, haha! Kian Ong's shoe, which makes it about ten times funnier.
Zue and I wrote some stuff to Kevin.. which reminds me, I'm going to pay a visit to FS. Yes, remember, Friendster?


Ahh, why does the sporadic passion for guitar goes as fast as it comes?

Note the new word some of you may not understand. Wikiorg it up.

Got it from Breaking Dawn, which reminds me, I'm gonna go to Steph Meyer's web to see what's going on, anyway, Breaking Dawn, 'bout every five pages I read, there're about.. five new words to learn.

Gonna go wii now, bye!
(ohno i've turned into those who greet their blogs, dashdotdash)