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Friday, March 7, 2008

No newspaper today. Means no funny comics that I always read. I wonder why.
oh, cos it's the election thing today, right?
big deal, just vote la.
i played with my tortoise today, I TOOK it out of it's little tub.
And guess what? As I was playing with it I didn't realise at first, but when I felt something wet on my hand which wasn't my tortoise I looked over and found little tortoise poopies on my hand and shirt -________-
Surprisingly, tortoise poop look alot like it's food, because i feed my tortoises koi fish food cos MY DAD still hasn't gone to buy our normal tortoise food. Anyway it was all green and everything and like, not digested :///
TMI? haha sorry :p
note to self: when a tortoise falls off a sofa, table, or any high-up places for a small creature,
KEEP A TISSUE UNDER IT'S ASS, you never know how frightened it may be, after the fall.
and keep spectacles cloth with myself because now that there is tortoise pee and poop on me, I can't wipe my glasses. Am going to change now.
It's so glooooooooooomyyy today. It's raining, thunder keeps rolling in every 5 minutes or so, it's dark and everything, and I'm hungry and there's nothing to eat PLUS, nothing to do.
Yeah, that's why I'm blogging and typing furiously. Um ok not furiously but I don't get what I mean la.
Huh. Yesterday, I was using the com up till 12.55+am when everyone was already asleep.
Twinkle started whining and BARKING in the middle of the night going to morning. So she kept on barking and I kept on ignoring... hey what can I do? The alarm was on. I couldn't exactly open the door and walk my dog or whatever she wanted, unless I wanted to set off some annoying ringing and get a lecture right?
Then my dad came down (shit). He saw me on the com and said "Go and sleep" but I was doing my finishing touches on the Wingkeong pictures post so I said "yeah, wait I'm almost done"
He ignored me and went out and and and :S
I heard my poor, poor, poor annoying but loved noisy dog, getting whacked and smacked by my lame butterfly slipper. BY MY DAD.
After a couple of smacks my dad came in so I bustled around making it look like I was getting to turning off the computer.
So dad went to do his thing again and came in THEN SHE STARTED BARKING AGAIN.
What the hell is wrong with my dog?!!
Aren't those slipper-slaps PAINFUL?! I can HEAR her whining everytime he smacks and those smacks are LOUD. Anyway she quieted after 3 trips and I went up to practice my guitar which I haven't done in a WEEK. uhm :p
yeaaa. so I'm damn bored right now. Hungry. I wish I could go to a grocery store to go shopping for Nuss choc biscuits I REALLY REALLY want them :(
sucky day, so far.
