We'll count to

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Changed on both sides.

Bangs and braces!

Not talking bad behind people's backs so much now:)
And doing more homework. shock!

That's really something to be proud of! Bah, I only have to top of my teeth done for braces, bottoms will come a few months late. One of a kind in school, heheh.

AND, hah, I can still say "S", in your face, Jerri.
I already have cuts on both cheeks(I have repeated this for the 5th time already) and I have mini toothbrushes now!

I can't eat any nuts, or hard stuff. That's not so bad.. But(there's always a but) I keep feeling pressure on my teeth and I feel like they're gonna fall off anytime.

Ohyeah. Went for family potrait today :D
Like, the first time in a long time putting make up, heh. It's nice to feel pretty for a while..

As usual, I have some photos.. but I'm too lazy to download them now. Lazy to do anything but watch tv.. 'cos that doesn't take up much brain power.

Audrey craves for:
Roti canai for brekkie, and for someone to send credit to my phone. <-that's not really a craving..